Saturday, March 22, 2014

Title এর ভাষা আমার জানা নাই ।

অবশেষে শেষ হল Barisal Division এ ৫ দিন ব্যাপী ICT-এর
Mobile Application Development এর training course.
ICT মন্ত্রনালয়ের এ উদ্যোগ নিঃসন্দেহে খুবই ভাল একটা উদ্যোগ ।
এ উদ্যোগের ফলে Digital Bangladesh হইতে বেশি time লাগবো না ।

Android এর উপর Total project submit হইছে ৭০ এর মত ।
আর আমার project এর অবস্থান may be ৪র্থ । :P :P :P :P
(there is a reason to say 'may be'.
Actually i was not there in time when they declared the merit list of the project.
I came to know about my position by my other friends)

অনেকেই হয়ত বলবেন খারাপ কিসে ।
৭০ এর মধ্যে ৪র্থ ...ভালই তো ।
কিস্তু আমি এই position এ সন্তুষ্ট নই । :P
আমি হতাশ । :P :P :P
হতে পারে আমার person হিসাবে আমি last এর দিকে ।
কারন আমি তেল মারতে পারি না । :P
তাই বলে আমার project এর position এ রকম হতে পারে না ।

আসেন উদাহরন সহ আলোচনা করি কে কি project করছে ।
তারপর আপনারা select করবেন কার Apps টা সবচেয়ে ভাল হইছে ।

১ । ১ম স্থান অধিকারি আমার এক senior ভাই ।
ভাই এর প্রোজেক্ট এর নাম
t20 world cup 2014 fixture.
So Simple project.
Normal কাজ ।
যা আমার project এর ধারে-কাছেও নাই ।
যাই হোক বড় ভাইয়ের prestige বলে কথা ।
তিনি না হয় তার তেলের জোরে first হইছেন । :P
শত হলেও বড় ভাই তো :P তাই বেশি কিছু বললাম না । :P

২ । যার project second হিসাবে select হইছে
তিনি আর কেও নন । BU এর CSE 1st semester এর স্টুডেন্ট ।
ভাবলে অবাক লাগে ...
যে ছেলে এখন পর্যন্ত C পারে না ...
C language এর hello world program পর্যন্ত করে নাই :P
যে ছেলে IDE জিনিসটা কি ??... সেটা বলতে পারে না... :P
সেই ছেলের project ক্যামনে second হয় । :P
এটা আমার বোধগম্য নয় ।
সবচেয়ে মজার বাপার হল অনেকেই হয়ত বলবেন
নিশ্চয়ই অনেক ভাল idea দিছে বা ভাল কাজ করছে ...
আসলে তা না :P
ওর project এর নাম Simple Calculator :D
যা কেবল +, -, *, / করতে পারে । :P
Only 25 থেকে 30  লাইন এর code.
মজার ব্যাপার এখনও শেষ হয় নাই । :)
এই ছেলেটার project নিজে করা না :P
আমাদের campus এর এক বড় ভাইয়ের কাছ থেকে
নেয়া পরিতাক্ত Apps .
মজার ব্যাপার এখানে নয় :)
মজার ব্যাপার হচ্ছে নীচে...>
যেই ভাই ওরে apps টা দিছে
সে ভাই নিজে top 12 এর মধ্যে নাই । :P :P :P

৩। ৩য় প্রোজেক্ট হিসাবে select হইছে
আমারই classmate & friend.
friend মানুষ তো, বেশি কিছু কমু না । :P
কারন ও কি কাজ করছে তা ওর থেকে আমি ভাল জানি । :)
ও নিজেও সেটা বলে,
"দোস্ত কিচ্ছু করি নাই, just এক page দিয়া
আরেক page এ যায় বাটন টিপলে... এই আরকি  :P"
লও ঠ্যালা :P

৪। ৪র্থ হিসাবে select হইছে আমার project.
আমি আগেই বলছি মানুষ হিসাবে আমি ৪র্থ শ্রেণীর হতে পারি :P
কিন্তু তাই বলে আমার project হবে না, এটা আমি ১০০% believe করি ।
এখন আসেন আমি কি করছি আগে সেটা discuss করি ।

My project is about "Social apps"
I named it "BDmukh"
Actually my idea comes from a line
"Deshi product use korun"

We have many Apps of our own.
That list can be start from dictionary to search engine.
But it is a matter of great regreat that we have no
social site of our own ! :(

I know many of our brilliant programmer
have tried to do this.
But none of them got success
because of it's so many bugs.

We use facebook/twitter/nimbuzz etc
but none of that is our own apps.
Thats from the other country.
So i decide to develop a social apps
for mobile & desktop device.
This apps can be use as
the apps of our own country. :)

এখন হয়ত অনেকেই বলবেন যে আমার idea তো খারাপ না ।
তো কেন আমি first/second/third হইলাম না ? :P
আর কাজই বা কতটুকু করছি ?

Actually আমি যে কাজ করছি
সেই কাজের জোরেই বলছি যে,
"My project is the best project
& my idea is also not a bad idea :P"

ami je ki kaj korci seta ekta kotha bollay bujben.
There is no one who use  database in there project but i do.

এখন অনেকেই হয়ত বলবেন...
"ও মনু তুমি কি feeder খাইছিলা তখন ?
আর অখন এই সব কথা বইল্লা লাভ কি অহন ?
এত প্যাঁচাল পুইর না । :P "

আমি বলব, Actually apps select করার time এ
আমি ছিলাম না । একটু বাইরে গেছিলাম ।
হয়ত তারা ভাবছে আমি চলে গেছি ।
So ওকে ৪র্থ position দিলে মনে হয় প্রবলেম হবে না ।

তো যাই হোক ফিরে এসে যখন দেখলাম এই অবস্থা :P
তখন trainer কে আমি জিগাইলাম, "এইডা কি কিছু হইল ?"
তখন সে কয়, "আমি জানি ১ম অ্যাপ্লিকেশান টার কাজ অনেক
simple হইছে । but তাকে অনেক দিক বিবেচনা করে
first করা হয়েছে । বাকি কাজ গুলা সুধু formality
রক্ষার জন্য top 12 select করা হয়েছে ।"

Actually first না হবার জন্য আমার কোন দুঃখ নাই । :P
আমার দুঃখ হচ্ছে apps জমা নেবার আগেই যদি select করা হয়ে
থাকে কে first হবে, তাইলে সে contest করে লাভ কি ?
তারা আমার apps দেখার টাইম ই পায় নাই । :P
সুধু আমার apps না ।  কারো apps দেখার টাইম ই পায় নাই
except 1st project. :p
only 1st project এর presentation হইছে ... :P
তাইলে আমরা কি ভাইসা আইলাম ?
at least তাদের উচিত ছিল যারা যারা apps presentation
দিতে চায় তাদের প্রত্যেকের কাছ থেকে presentation নেয়া ।

তাহলে তাদের selection পদ্ধতি কি ছিল ??
আপ্পস বা idea-র গুন-গত মান... ? নাকি অন্য কিছু ?
for example :- just for formality :P

যে জিনিস লইয়া 24 hours এর 18 hours থাকি... :P
যে জিনিসের জন্য ক্লাস করতে যাইতে পারি না ... :P
যে জিনিসের লাইজ্ঞা আমার academic result last এর দিক থেকে first... :P
সেই programming আজ আমাকে হতাশ করল... :P

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Five things you should know about iOS security

Security is an extra-hot topic these days, as all sorts of government agencies short on letters but long on budgets keep getting accused of spying on their own citizens, and debates rage on whether what look like accidental bugs may actually turn out to be quite intentional.

In the midst of all the ruckus, Apple has updated its iOS Security whitepaper, a longstanding document outlining the thought processes and technologies that go into keeping its mobile platform as secure as possible. Here are just a few of the most interesting tidbits from this latest revision.



More keys than a hardware store

Remember how, back in June of last year, Apple published a statement in which it claimed that iMessage data is "protected by end-to-end encryption"? Well, it seems the company really meant it.

Like many Internet services, iMessage depends on public-key cryptography to function. This technology uses two very long numbers, based on cryptographically secure random data, that can each be used to decrypt information encrypted with the other. When you activate messaging on each of your devices, iOS generates a pair of keys and sends one of them--appropriately called a public key--to Apple, tucking the other one securely away in its local memory storage.

Now for the fun part: When someone wants to send you a message, they ask Apple for all the public keys that belong to all your devices, and then use each to encrypt a separate copy of the message, sending the encrypted messages to the company, which, in turn, forwards them to the appropriate device using iOS's push notification system.

Crucially, each device's private key, without which data encrypted using the corresponding public key cannot be decrypted, is never transmitted across the Internet, which means that the company really cannot read your messages, just as it claims.

Note, however, that this system is not absolutely secure. In theory, since Apple controls the directory of public keys used by all the devices, it could surreptitiously add--or be forced to add--its own set of public keys (for which it knows the corresponding private keys) and thus gain access to every last bit of information that is exchanged on its messaging network. Therefore, it would perhaps be fair to say that iMessage is secure as long as you trust Apple--just like your mail is secure as long as you trust that the mail service won't photocopy it on the way to its recipient, or that your phone company isn't rerouting your calls to someone who just pretends to be your mom.



There's fruit in them cables

As long rumored by various outlets, Apple's Lightning cables really do include a special authentication chip that iOS can use to verify that they were produced by an authorized manufacturer.
According to the security whitepaper, the chip is actually manufactured by Apple and contains a special digital certificate known only to the company. Manufacturers that participate in the Made for iPhone Program receive the chips directly from the Cupertino giant and incorporate them into their products during production.

Interestingly, the authentication process is not limited to cables: Any authorized accessory that wants to communicate with iOS--including those that use Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connections--must incorporate it, or risk that the operating system will refuse to play nicely with it.

While this process undoubtedly allows Apple to keep a tight rein on its lucrative accessory licensing business, weeding out third-party manufacturers who produce sub-par hardware or refuse to pay up the necessary royalties to receive the company's official blessing, the authentication chip also helps keep things secure by reducing the likelihood that malicious actors will be able to inject malware into our phones and tablets just because we want to recharge them.



Siri knows everything, but she ain't talkin'

Siri, Apple's digital assistant, also gets some time in the security spotlight. The company has laid out the steps that it takes to balance the service's effectiveness with the privacy and security of its users.

As you can imagine, Siri is complex enough that much of its work takes place on Apple's own servers rather than on each individual device. This allows the company to offload the most taxing aspects of the assistant's functionality, such as turning audio into actionable text, and makes it possible for the service to be updated outside of iOS's traditional upgrade cycle.

Clearly, this means that your device must send Apple a fair bit of information in order for Siri to work--starting with a full recording of your voice, which is transmitted alongside your name and rough geographical location whenever you request your digital assistant's services.

In order to protect your privacy as much as possible, however, Apple uses a mechanism called progressive disclosure to limit the amount of information that reaches its server. For example, if you need to find a restaurant near you, Siri's servers may ask your iPhone to send them a more accurate location; if you want the service to read your email or SMS message, the remote portion of the system will simply delegate the task to the device itself, so that your private data never has to leave the confines of your handset or tablet.

Apple also outlines what it does with your data once it gets hold of it: Information like transcriptions and locations are discarded after ten minutes, while recordings are kept for a period of up to two years--after six months, however, they are scrubbed of all digital data that could be used to identify their source. Presumably, the company uses them to help improve its voice recognition software, particularly when it comes to non-standard words like proper names and music or movie titles.



More than a pretty chip

The CPU that resides inside every iPhone 5s, dubbed the A7, contains all sorts of technological goodies. Among them is a special co-processor, dubbed the "secure enclave," that is designed to help provide iOS with an extra-secure area of memory.

Each enclave is primed with a unique digital identifier when it's manufactured. Not even Apple knows this number, which means that whatever information is stored in the enclave cannot be pried out of it without your explicit permission--even if a sophisticated hacker were to phisically steal your device.

The enclave also gets its own secure operating system, boots separately from the rest of the device, and uses a special technology to ensure that the software it is running was officially sanctioned by Apple. All communication with the enclave takes place in a securely encrypted area of memory, which is re-encrypted with a different key every time the device on which it resides boots.

All this paranoia is a good thing, because the enclave is used to store some of the most sensitive information that makes its way onto your device, such as the digital information required to unlock your iPhone with your fingerprints when you use Touch ID.



Keychain sync could probably withstand a nuclear attack

It seems that Apple designed iCloud Keychain so that it would be able to withstand just about everything short of nuclear winter--perhaps explaining why it took so long for the feature to return after it was discarded during the transition from MobileMe to iCloud. According to the whitepaper, you should be able to securely sync and recover your keys even if you reset your iCloud password, if your account is hacked, or if the iCloud system itself is compromised, either by an external entity or by an Apple employee.

To accomplish this feat, Apple uses a complex web of asymmetric digital keys and advanced elliptical encryption algorithms, coupled with manual controls (like activation codes that must be entered manually by the user on a device) to ensure that the company effectively never holds enough information to decrypt the contents of a keychain stored on its servers.

Interestingly, the engineers responsible for this feature have built a degree of selectivity into it, so that only data that is specially marked can actually be sent to the cloud. iOS makes use of this feature to keep some information that is device-specific, like VPN logins, out of the synchronization process, while other information, like website credentials and passwords, are allowed to go through.



The anti-Google

All told, Apple's whitepaper paints the picture of a company that is--at least publicly--deeply committed to the security and privacy of its customers.

Of course, the actual veracity of Apple's claims depends to a large extent on the trust that its users place in the company, since we can't just waltz into its server facilities and ask--nay, demand--that we be shown the source code. Even though practically everything that flows through iCloud and Siri is encrypted end-to-end, there is still a possibility that the folks from Cupertino may maliciously tweak its services (or even its operating systems themselves) in such a way as to silently compromise our every email, our every call, and our every text message.

It seems to me, however, that privacy and security are more than just a point of pride or marketing pitch for Apple: They are among the primary selling points of its products. As the company says in the first line of its whitepaper, "Apple designed the iOS platform with security at its core." All the complex encryption mechanisms, digital key exchanges, software sandboxing, and hardware protection boil down to a simple message: Invest your money in our wares, and we'll stay out of your life.

This stance places the company in sharp contrast to its rival Google's insistence on collecting, collating, and distilling as much information on its users as possible. Any revelation that anyone from Apple's management to its engineers aren't taking this message to heart, even by omission, would damage its business in ways that would be very hard to recover from.

3 helpful tips to keep your inbox clean

These helpful tricks can help you streamline and seize control of your inbox.

Around ten years ago, like many longtime Hotmail users, I got a Gmail account and never looked back. Gmail was faster, more organized and just plain better. Well, that was then. These days, I've jumped ship yet again to the ultra-polished and spend most of my time using Microsoft's Hotmail successor.'s stuffed with nifty features, including the modern UI-style layout, social integration, and standard hits from the Hotmail days like Sweep. If you're thinking about switching back to, or just want some tips on how to make your experience better, here are three tips to help you better manage your inbox.

Schedule a sweep lets you easily clean up your inbox with Sweep. This feature lets you automatically delete messages from specific senders or shuttle them to a different folder.

One of the nicest things you can do with Sweep is regularly schedule a cleanup of old messages. This is a great tool if you're trying to keep a handle on daily newsletters. If you only want to keep the most recent newsletters in your inbox and move older ones to the "Newsletters" folder, here's how you'd do it.

Open one of the newsletter emails and then click the Sweep menu option at the top of your inbox. From the drop-down menu select Schedule cleanup. A pop-up banner will open that offers you three options: You can either only keep the latest message from the sender in your inbox, delete all messages older than 10 days, or move all messages older than 10 days to a specified folder.

We want the last option, but we are going to change the "messages older than 10 days" option to "messages older than 3 days." Click on "10 days" and in the drop-down menu, select "3 days."

Next, click on the drop-down menu next to <Select Folder>, pick a folder, and click OK to finish. Keep playing around with Sweep; used smartly, it can be a powerful tool for keeping your inbox clutter-free.

OneDrive integration

Similar to Google Drive integration that came to Gmail in late 2012, integrates with OneDrive (nee SkyDrive) so you don't have to worry about sending large attachments. Instead, you can upload them to OneDrive and then send a link to your contacts.

If you don't know how to upload files to SkyDrive, you can find instructions on Microsoft's help pages.

To add a OneDrive link an email, click Insert in the blue options bar at the top of the compose Windows, and then select Share from OneDrive in the drop-down menu.

A window will open showing your OneDrive contents Select the file you want and then click Open. A link will be added to the bottom of the email, allowing recipients to view or download the file from OneDrive.

Viewing your outlook

The inbox includes a handy view menu that lets you drill down into your email messages by several predetermined types. You can use the view menu to view all unread messages, only messages from contacts, groups, newsletters, or social updates.

The View menu's drop-down menu is located just above your messages in the main inbox.

That's it! Hopefully these three tips will help you take advantage of's built-in features and make your email experience a little bit better.