Wednesday, November 11, 2020

99 names of Allah with Meaning and Benefits


99 names of Allah

AllahAllahThe Greatest Name
Benefits: Who repeats this name at least 1000 times his heart will be free from doubts and suspicions. If anybody suffering from some incurable disease repeats this Name many times, then prays to Allah for recovery, he will recover from the disease, by the Grace of Allah.
1Ar-RahmanAr-RahmanThe All-Merciful
Benefits: Who repeats this name 100 times after each fard (Obligatory) prayer will have a good memory, a keen awareness, and be free of a heavy heart.
2Ar-RahimAr-RahimThe All-Beneficient
Benefits: He who repeats this name 100 times after each Fajr (Early Morning) prayer will find everyone to be friendly towards him and he will be safe from all worldly calamities.
3Al-MalikAl-MalikThe Absolute Ruler
Benefits: He who repeats this name many times every day after the morning prayer. Will become rich by the grace of Allah.
4Al-QuddusAl-QuddusThe Pure One
Benefits: The heart of those who repeat this name 100 times each day will be free from anxiety.
5As-SalamAs-SalamThe Source of Peace
Benefits: He who repeats this name 160 times to a sick person, will help him to regain health. He who repeats this name frequently will be safe from all calamities.
6Al-MuminAl-MuminThe Inspirer of Faith
Benefits: He who repeats this name 631 times will be safe from harm.
7Al-MuhayminAl-MuhayminThe Guardian
Benefits: He who takes bath and offers two rak’ats of prayer and repeats this Name 100 times with sincere concentration, Allah will purify his external as well as internal condition.
8Al-AzizAl-AzizThe Victorious
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 41 times after each Fazar prayer will be independent of need from others and gain honor after disgrace.
9Al-JabbarThe Compeller
Benefits: He who repeats this Name will not be compelled to do anything against his wishes, and will not be exposed to violence, severity, or hardness.
10Al-MutakabbirThe Greatest
Benefits: He who repeats this Name frequently will be granted status and respect. If He repeats this Name frequently at the commencement of every act, He will achieve success by the grace of Allah.
11Al-KhaliqThe Creator
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 100 times for seven days without break, Allah will create an angel whose duty will be to act righteously for this person until the Day of Judgement. The reward for angel’s actions will be given to that person. See also under Al-Musawwir.
12Al-BariThe Maker of Order
Benefits: He who creates all things in proportion. See also the suggestions under Al-Musawwir.
13Al-MusawwirThe Shaper of Beauty
Benefits: If a woman who desires to give a birth, but cannot, fasts seven days, and each day at the breaking of the fast (iftar) she repeats these three Names twenty-one times, breathes into a glass of water, and then breaks the fast with this water, Allah will bless her with a child.
14Al-GhaffarThe Forgiving
Benefits: He who repeats this Name will be forgiven his sins.
15Al-QahharThe Subduer
Benefits: The soul of him who repeats this Name Will conquer the desires of the flesh, and his heart will be made free from the attractions of the world and gain inner peace. this Name also frees one from being wronged.
16Al-WahhabThe Giver of All
Benefits: If a man suffering from poverty and starvation repeats this Name frequently or keeps it with him written on a piece of paper or repeats this Name 40 times in the last Sajda if the Chasht prayer, Allah will relieve him of his poverty, want and starvation in a wonderful way.
17Ar-RazzaqThe Sustainer
Benefits: He who repeats this Name will be provided with sustenance by Allah.
18Al-FattahThe Opener
Benefits: The heart of him who repeats this Name will be open, and he will be given victory.
19Al-AlimThe Knower of All
Benefits: He who repeats this Name, his heart will become luminous, revealing divine light(Nur).
20Al-QabidThe Constrictor
Benefits: He who writhes this name on 4 pieces of food (fruit, bread,etc.) and eats them for 40 days will be free from hunger.
21Al-BasitThe Reliever
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 10 times after Chasht prayer with open hands (palms up), then rubs his face with his hands, will be free of need from others.
22Al-KhafidThe Abaser
Benefits: Those who fast three days, and on the fourth day repeat this Name 70 times in a gathering, Allah will free them from harm by their enemy. Allah will fulfill the need of one who repeats this Name 500 times daily.
23Ar-RafiThe Exalter
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 101 times day and night, Allah will make him higher, as far as honor, richness, and merit are concerned.
24Al-MuizzThe Bestower of Honors
Benefits: He who repeats this name 140 times after Maghrib prayer on Monday or Friday nights, Allah will make him dignified in the eyes of others. That person will fear no one but Allah.
25Al-MudhillThe Humiliator
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 75 times will be free from harm by those who are jealous of him and wish to harm him. Allah will protect him.
26As-SamiThe Hearer of All
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 500, 100, or 50 times without speaking to anyone on Thursday after the chasht prayer, Allah will bestow on him anything he desires.
27Al-BasirThe Seer of All
Benefits: He who repeats this Names 100 times after Friday afternoon prayer, Allah will give this person light in his sight and enlighten his heart.
28Al-HakamThe Judge
Benefits: He who repeats this Name many times at night, many secrets (sirr) will be revealed to him.
29Al-AdlThe Just
Benefits: On Friday night or day, if you write this Name on a piece of bread and eat it, people will obey you.
30Al-LatifThe Subtle One
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 133 times daily will have increase in his sustenance and all his affairs will be settled to his satisfaction.
31Al-KhabirThe All-Aware
Benefits: If a mam is a victim of selfish desires and bad habits he will be relieved of these if he repeats this Name regularly.
32Al-HalimThe Forbearing
Benefits: He who writes this Name on a piece of paper, washes it with water and sprinkles that water on anything that thing will become safe from loss and calamities.
33Al-AzimThe Magnificent
Benefits: Those who repeat this Name many times will be respected.
34Al-GhafurThe Forgiver and Hider of Faults
Benefits: He who has a headache, fever and despondent, and continuously repeats this Name will be relieved of his ailment and will have Allah’s forgiveness.
35Ash-ShakurThe Rewarder of Thankfulness
Benefits: He who is afflicted with monitory troubles or with any other calamity and suffering, if he repeats this Name 41 times daily.
36Al-AliThe Highest
Benefits: He who repeats this Name regularly and keeps it with him after writing it on a piece of paper will attain high rank, affluence and success in his (lawful) desires.
37Al-KabirThe Greatest
Benefits: He who repeats this Name 100 times each day will have esteem.
38Al-HafizThe Preserver
Benefits: He who repeats this Name frequently and keeps it with him will be protected against calamities.
39Al-MuqitThe Nourisher
Benefits: If someone with a bad-mannered child repeats this Name into a glass of water, and gives this water to the child to drink, the child will have good manners.
40Al-HasibThe Accounter
Benefits: He who faces any problem should repeat this Name many times.
41Al-JalilThe Mighty
Benefits: He who writes this Name on a piece of paper with musk and saffron and keeps it with him and repeats this Name frequently will attain honor and Status.
42Al-KarimThe Generous
Benefits: He who repeats this Name many times at bedtime will have esteem in this world (and the Hereafter among the learned and righteous people).
43Ar-RaqibThe Watchful One
Benefits: He who repeats this Name seven times on himself, his family, and property, all will be under Allah’s protection.
44Al-MujibThe Responder to Prayer
Benefits: The appeal of him who repeats this Name will be answered.
45Al-WasiThe All-Comprehending
Benefits: If one who has difficulty in earning, repeats this Name frequently, will have good earnings.
46Al-HakimThe Perfectly Wise
Benefits: He who repeats this Name continuously (from time to time) will not have difficulties in his work, and Allah will open to him the door of wisdom.
47Al-WadudThe Loving One
Benefits: If there is a quarrel between two people (e.g. wife and husband) and one of them repeats this Name 1000 times over some food and has the other person to eat the food, there will be no disagreement between them.
48Al-MajídThe Majestic One
Benefits: He who repeats this Name gains glory.
49Al-BaithThe Resurrector
Benefits: He who repeats this Name gains the fear of Allah.
50Ash-ShahidThe Witness
Benefits: He who has disobedient children or wife and repeats this Name in the morning over them 21 times daily with his hand placed on his/her forehead he/she will become obedient.
51Al-HaqqThe Truth
Benefits: If one has something and repeats this Name, he will find what is lost.
52Al-WakilThe Trustee
Benefits: He who is afraid of drowning, being burnt in a fire, or any similar danger, and repeats this Name continuously (from time to time), will be under the protection of Allah.
53Al-QawiThe Possessor of All Strength
Benefits: He who cannot defeat his enemy, and repeats this Name with the intention of not being harmed, will be free from his enemy’s harm.
54Al-MatinThe Forceful One
Benefits: If one has troubles and repeats this Name, his troubles will disappear.
55Al-WaliThe Governor
Benefits: He who repeats this Name is likely to be a walyullah, the friend of Allah.
56Al-HamidThe Praised One
Benefits: He who repeats this Name will be loved and praised.
57Al-MuhsiThe Appraiser
Benefits: He who is afraid of being questioned on the Judgement Day, and repeats this Name 100 times daily, will have ease and clement.
58Al-MubdiThe Originator
Benefits: If this name is repeated and breathed towards a pregnant woman who is afraid of aborting, she will be free of danger.
59Al-MuidThe Restorer
Benefits: If this name is repeated 70 times for someone who is away from his family, that person will return safely in seven days.
60Al-MuhyiThe Giver of Life
Benefits: If a person has a heavy burden and repeats this name seven times each day, his burden will be taken away.
61Al-MumitThe Taker of Life
Benefits: This name is repeated to destroy one’s enemy.
62Al-HayyThe Ever-Living One
Benefits: He who repeats this Name will have a long life.
63Al-QayyumThe Self-Existing One
Benefits: He who repeats this Name will not fall into inadvertency.
64Al-WajidThe Finder
Benefits: He who repeats this name will have richness of heart.
65Al-MajidThe Glorious
Benefits: He who repeats this Name in privacy and sincerely, his heart will be enlightened.
66Al-WahidThe Only One
Benefits: He who repeats this name 1000 times in privacy and in a quiet place will be free from fear and delusion.
67Al-AhadThe One
Benefits: He who repeats this name 1000 times will have certain secrets opened to him.
68As-SamadThe Satisfier of All Needs
Benefits: He who repeats this name many times, Allah will provide his need, and as result, he will not need others, but they will need him.
69Al-QadirThe All-Powerful
Benefits: He who repeats this name, all his desires will be fulfilled.
70Al-MuqtadirThe Creator of All Power
Benefits: He who repeats this name will be aware of the truth.
71Al-MuqaddimThe Expediter
Benefits: He who repeats this name on the battlefield, or who has fear of being alone in an awe-inspiring place, no harm will come to him and will become obedient to Allah.
72Al-MuakhkhirThe Delayer
Benefits: He who repeats this name in the heart 100 times each day, only love of Allah will remain. No other love can enter.
73Al-AwwalThe First
Benefits: A childless person will be blessed with a child if he repeats this name 40 times daily for 40 days. If a traveler repeats it 1000 times on a Friday he will reach home safe and sound.
74Al-AkhirThe Last
Benefits: He who repeats this Name many times will lead a good life and at the end of this life will have a good death.
75Az-ZahirThe Manifest One
Benefits: He who recites this name 15 times after Friday (jumm’a prayer) divine light (Noor) will enter his heart.
76Al-BatinThe Hidden One
Benefits: He who repeats this name three times each day will be able to see the truth in things.
77Al-WalíThe Protecting Friend
Benefits: He who repeats this name and breathes it into his house, his house will be free from danger.
78Al-MutaaliThe Supreme One
Benefits: He who repeats this Name many times will gain the benevolence of Allah.
79Al-BarrThe Doer of Good
Benefits: He who repeats this name to his child, this child will be free from misfortune.
80At-TawwabThe Guide to Repentance
Benefits: He who repeats this name many times, his repentance will be accepted.
81Al-MuntaqimThe Avenger
Benefits: He who repeats this names for 3 Fridays many times will be victorious against his enemies.
82Al-AfuThe Forgiver
Benefits: He who repeats this name many times, all his sins will be forgiven.
83Ar-RaufThe Clement
Benefits: He who repeats this Name many times will be blessed by Allah.
84Malik al-MulkThe Owner of All
Benefits: He who repeats this name will have esteem among people.
85Dhul-Jalali Wal-IkramThe Lord of Majesty and Bounty
Benefits: He who repeats this name many times, will be rich.
86Al-MuqsitThe Equitable One
Benefits: He who repeats this name will be free from the harm of the devil.
87Al-JamiThe Gatherer
Benefits: He who repeats this name will find the things that he lost.
88Al-GhaniThe Rich One
Benefits: He who repeats this name 70 times will be contented and not covetous and will not be needy.
89Al-MughniThe Enricher
Benefits: He who repeats this name 1000 times daily for ten Fridays will become self-sufficient.
90Al-ManiThe Preventer of Harm
Benefits: One should repeat this name 20 times at bedtimes for peaceful and happy family life.
91Ad-DarrThe Creator of The Harmful
Benefits: He who does not enjoy peace and tranquility in life should repeat this name 100 times on Friday nights. He will find peace and tranquility by the grace of Allah.
92An-NafiThe Creator of Good
Benefits: He who repeats this name 41 times at the beginning of every act, will be successful in all his good acts.
93An-NurThe Light
Benefits: Those who repeat this name will have inner light.
94Al-HadiThe Guide
Benefits: Ho who repeats 1100 times the sacred names “yahadi ihdinas-siratal-mustaqim” after the Isha prayer will be free from all needs.
95Al-BadiThe Originator
Benefits: He who is confronted by any distress or difficulty should repeat this name 70,000 times for relief from the distress.
96Al-BaqiThe Everlasting One
Benefits: He who repeats this name every Friday night 100 times all his good deeds will be accepted, by the grace of Allah.
97Al-WarithThe Inheritor of All
Benefits: He who repeats this name after sunrise 100 times, will be safe from all sorrows, by the grace of Allah.
98Ar-RashidThe Righteous Teacher
Benefits: He who does not have the know-how about a particular task or unable to work out plans for a certain task should repeat this name 1000 times between Maghrib and Isha Prayer.
99As-SaburThe Patient One
Benefits: He who is in any trouble, difficulty, or sorrow and repeat this name 3000 times, will be rescued from his difficulty.