Wednesday, April 12, 2023

THE ARMY OF SATAN - PART 27 - Plots for Destruction of Muslim Ummah

In this video titled "THE ARMY OF SATAN - PART 27 - Plots for Destruction of Muslim Ummah" the speaker warns of the dangers of division in the Muslim community. The speaker argues that the most powerful plan of the West to weaken Muslims is to break their unity and make them alone. The speaker notes that the West has made a unity that has allowed them to rule over the entire system by establishing the United Nations.

The speaker also argues that the division of Muslims into 73 groups or sects is another major type of disunity that the Prophet warned about. Furthermore, the lack of cooperation and unity between government authorities in Muslim countries has resulted in injustice and non-Muslim countries being turned to for help, crossing the red line of Islam.

The speaker suggests that the enemy does not suffice to measure this Unity among Muslims, but also wants to break unity in a smaller scale by breaking family ties. This happens when there is no connection or conversation between family members about any important issue like moral values or other Islamic issues because everyone inside a family is busy with devices.

The speaker argues that the West does not only try to break the unity of Muslims but also makes them busy with any possible distraction so that they do not dedicate their time for their religion and for re-establishing their unity. As a result, the youth are being swept away and blindly following Western culture and traditions, resulting in weakness of Muslims and the distraction of moral values among society.

In conclusion, the speaker stresses the importance of Muslims coming together and focusing on their unity to strengthen their community and resist the plots of the West to weaken them.

THE ARMY OF SATAN - PART 26 - Truth About Islam

As Muslims, we believe that Islam is a divine religion that has been preserved by Allah from any distortion or corruption. However, there are many misconceptions and false information being spread about Islam and its preservation, which can lead to confusion and doubt among Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

To understand the truth about the preservation of Islam, we must first understand what it means to distort a religion. Distortion of a religion means to change the basis and reference of the religion, which is the holy book. This has happened to every divine religion throughout history, including Judaism and Christianity. However, Allah has always sent an updated version of the divine revelation to preserve the pure message of monotheism for mankind. The Quran is the last and most complete divine revelation sent to humanity, and it has not been manipulated even to the smallest degree.

One of the main proofs of the preservation of the Quran is its perfect order, mathematical arrangement of verses and chapters, scientific nature, accuracy of predictions, and logical solutions for any problem. Moreover, the Quran has been preserved in the hearts of millions of Muslims worldwide, memorized word by word and letter by letter. It is the greatest proof that no one can change the Quran, even by one letter.

However, the preservation of the Quran does not mean that people's beliefs will be protected. In the arena of tests, people can be divided into 73 groups, each following different beliefs and fixating in the name of Islam. Only those who follow the true Islam, meaning Quran and Sunnah, will be safe on the day of judgment.

As Muslims, we must establish in our hearts and minds that the Sunnah, the words, deeds, and approvals attributed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), is also a part of divine revelation. Allah says that the Prophet (peace be upon him) does not speak of his own desire; it is a revelation revealed to him. Therefore, the Sunnah is a part of the divine revelation that was revealed to the Prophet (peace be upon him).

There is only one difference between the Quran and Sunnah. The Quran is the word of Allah, revealed verbatim to the Prophet (peace be upon him), while the Sunnah may not be the words of Allah. Therefore, the meaning of the Sunnah comes to us when we understand it, not necessarily verbatim.

To understand if a Hadith is authentic or not, one needs to know the science of Mustalah, the criterion that makes a Hadith authentic or unauthentic. This science requires extensive study and expertise, which cannot be understood by a layman.

Furthermore, Iblis, the Satan, and his army cannot change the essence of Islam. Therefore, they hide the pure essence of Islam by propagating false information about it, using tools like politics, the entertainment industry, and mainstream media. According to a report from the Center of Media Monitoring, mainstream media organizations spread anti-Muslim rhetoric even in cases when their story is not about Muslims.

In conclusion, Islam has been preserved by Allah from any distortion or corruption, and its preservation is evident through the perfect order of the Quran, its mathematical arrangement of verses and chapters, its scientific nature, accuracy of predictions, and logical solutions for any problem. However, people's beliefs can be divided into different groups, so it is essential to follow the true Islam, which means Quran and Sunnah. We must also be aware of the tricks used by Satan and his army to propagate false information about Islam and its pure essence.